Ochacho Biography, picture and net worth

Ochacho who real name is King Mohammed Odeh Adah is a multifaceted individual who holds professions as a businessman, philanthropist, and well-known public personality in addition to being the CEO of the Ochacho Group of Companies. Hailing from Otukpo, Benue State, he is descended from Elder Benson Adah and Hajiya Hauwa Ali Ochacho Aloga.

These days, he’s becoming more well-known for giving Nigerian artist Portable a brand-new Mercedes Benz S350 Convertible, which sparked curiosity about his background. Thus, the purpose of this biography is to provide readers with a thorough understanding of Ochacho’s background, including his childhood, schooling, notable accomplishments, career pursuits, and estimated net worth.

Early Life and Education

King Mohammed Odeh Adah was born in Kaduna on August 25, 1977, to Elder Benson Adah and Hajiya Hauwa Ali Ochacho Aloga. He started his schooling at Army Day Nursery and Primary School, Makurdi throughout his early years. He subsequently attended Saint Francis College in Otukpo to complete his secondary school. After completing his secondary education, Ochacho went on to Ahmadu Bello University Zaria to further his education and earn a degree in Economics.


Adah is a public figure, philanthropist, businessman, and real estate tycoon. 2008 was the start of his career and the year he began his entrepreneurial pursuits. Interestingly, he is the founder of Ochacho Real Home, a renowned real estate development firm with its main office located in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria.

Since its founding, the company operating under the name Ochacho Real Home has led the construction of more than 25,000 homes, employing 1,200 workers and artisans around the country. Ochacho’s philanthropic commitment extends beyond his commercial endeavors, as demonstrated by the creation of the ‘Ochacho Foundation‘ in 2018. This charity is committed to helping the less fortunate by giving individuals in need free medical care, educational scholarships, and other forms of support.

Net Worth

It is unclear how much money Ochacho is worth, although several internet resources estimate that he is worth $58 million. We haven’t verified this information yet, but we’ll be happy to update this post with more accurate information about Ochacho’s wealth as soon as we learn more. However, he is a billionaire from Benue who is based in Lagos.

Ochacho Marriage Life

Ochacho and his wife
Ochacho and his wife (Photo credit: Instagram)

The Lagos based billionaire is happily Married to Mrs. Ramatu Mohammed Adah and the marriage is blessed with four kids, two sons and two daughters.

In conclusion, Ochacho is a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, and public figure who has made significant contributions to society through his business ventures and charitable activities.

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